Page 134 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 134

He was sleeping with IVs attached to his hand and his left leg was
                           bandaged. And that made me happy. I heaved a sigh of relief. Thank God!
                           He was alive!
                                   I opened the door and stood beside his bed, staring at his face like I
                           was seeing it for the first time. I could not stop myself from ruffling his hair
                           and suddenly he opened his eyes.
                                   He smiled and said, ‘I was just dreaming about you.’
                                   ‘What was it about?’ I asked.
                                   ‘We were having coffee at Starbucks in Mumbai,’ he said earnestly.
                                   ‘What low standards! I would’ve much preferred if we had met on a
                           Goan beach, if not an exotic European location.’ I raised my eyebrows, held
                           my head high and said it like a queen.
                                   ‘Considering how we meet every time, I would still rate it better.’ His
                           smile  broadened.  We  looked  at  our  tattered  appearances,  stared  into  each
                           other’s eyes and then laughed like crazy people for a long time. I sat beside
                           him, then leaned against him, closed my eyes and held him firmly in my
                           arms. He closed his eyes too and rested his head on my shoulders.
                                   An  eternal  satisfaction,  an  unspoken  promise,  quiet  reassurance
                           lingered in the air like perfume.
                                   ‘I don’t think a hospital is the right place to say it but, Virat, I love
                           you and don’t you  dare think about leaving me again or  I  will shoot you
                           myself,’ I said firmly.
                                   He laughed. ‘Now you are talking like a commando’s girlfriend.’ He
                           sat back up and hugged me with whatever strength he had.
                                   ‘Riya, I am not good with words, but I was seventeen when I was
                           selected for the Indian Army. I have done nothing except train my mind and
                           body  to  defend  my  nation  in  every  manner  possible.  It  did  not  leave  me
                           much scope for romance or even heartbreak. You are the first one who has
                           taken residence in my heart and that too from the very first moment I saw
                           you.’ He paused for a second.
                                   ‘I really don’t know what love is but I do know one thing—that I
                           worship you. Even a scratch on your body, a tear in your eyes, a speck of
                           sadness on your face makes me mad and I pick up my gun instantly. I am
                           sorry but this is what I know. I want to go to my office, do my job and come
                           back to you every single day just to have that tea that I imagine you will
                           make for me.
                                   ‘I want to cook breakfast and serve it to you in bed every single day.
                           I want to carry your bags when you go shopping and then I want to come
                           back  home,  cook  food  with  you  and  then  sleep  beside  you  in  your  arms
                           every  night.  I  don’t  have  any  alternate  version  of  my  life  if  I  don’t  see
                           myself fighting. I am a very simple man and you are the best thing that has
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