Page 129 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 129

‘Do you get it, Commando! It is an order and you are bound by your
                           uniform. Do you get it?’ Major Tushar snarled.
                                   ‘Aye!  Aye!  Sir,  I  get  it,  I  will  do  it,’  Virat  said  in  a  robotic  tone
                           without even glancing at me.
                                   Where were all those loving promises now? Did I even exist here, in
                           the dialogue between these two, bound by uniform and sworn by blood?
                                   Sigh! My life and me!
                                   We  actually  deserve  an  end  like  this,  I  thought.  My  life,  for
                           constantly  pushing  me  towards  the  worst  pit  of  miseries  and  I  for  never
                           really  cherishing  it.  We  were  in  a  constant  ‘love  and  hate  relationship’
                           together. But every cloud has a silver lining and I saw a very steamy story
                           bubbling up here. Don’t you? The lady love of a warrior killed by his own
                           sword  (gun  here)  while  fighting  evil.  And  humanity  would  be  forever
                           indebted  for  my  sacrifices  and  my  story  would  be  told  to  the  coming
                           generations, schools would include it into their curriculums and my parents
                           would  feel  proud  of  me,  if  they  survived  the  heart  attacks  on  hearing  the
                                   How is this even possible for a single child of any parent to give a
                           million scenarios triggering possible heart attacks? I was hopeless.
                                   These men, I thought—they are treating me so harshly and Virat, he
                           is deliberately dodging any sort of eye contact with me. He is the same man
                           who promised me a love lasting an eternity, just sometime back. Why do I
                           even  trust  him  again  and  again?  You  cannot  trust  a  soldier,  for  them  the
                           promises they made to their motherland weigh more than any other promise
                           in the world. Falling for them is fine but fall at your own risk; no matter
                           what, they will always choose their nation over you. If you have the guts to
                           accept his love for the nation and are ready to settle for second place, then
                           only think of moving ahead.
                                   I seriously need to meet a psychiatrist to break this pattern that I keep
                           repeating.  It’s  disgusting  really,  in  fact  I  am  the  biggest  disgrace  to
                           womanhood. I risk everything including my dignity and pride for this badass
                           who can never control his own life, and you cannot even hate him truly for
                           doing his duties.
                                   I should stop crying now and wipe my tears. Nobody cares!
                                   ‘We  have  five  minutes  to  take  positions.  Who  has  the  rocket
                           launcher?  Load  the  beast  up.  You  three,  take  your  positions  behind  those
                           towering  scrubs.  Vaibhav  and  Virat,  behind  those  boulders  along  with  the
                           rocket  launcher  and  yes,  take  this  girl  with  you  too.  The  four  of  us  will
                           divide into two pairs and launch an attack from both sides, then move ahead
                           clearing everything that missed the rocket launchers. Everybody behind us
                           must provide us the cover of fire whenever possible, though your aim is to
                           neutralize the enemy first,’ Major Tushar briefed the team.
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