Page 119 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 119

The Role of Teacher Leadership for Promoting Professional Development Practices

               Figure 1. Hours of work with MBAMP

                  The tasks were organized by type to identify the most common kinds of tasks that participants se-
               lected in their role of teacher leader. For administrative tasks, 90% of participants reported attending
               face-to-face meetings and 80% selected communicating via email for schedules, surveys, and flyers. For
               mentoring tasks, teacher leaders were most likely to report allowing visitors to come into their classroom
               for observation (60%) and least likely to report supporting a new teacher leader (20%). For advising tasks,
               70% of teacher leaders reported they were most likely to engage in activities that include determining
               the direction of the 1-day conference, determining the direction of an institute (60%) and serving as a
               liaison between MBAMP and school districts (50%). Presenting and planning tasks that were commonly
               reported include planning and presenting an entire content session without support (80%) and breakout

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