Page 120 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 120

The Role of Teacher Leadership for Promoting Professional Development Practices

                   Table 2. Identified roles as MBAMP teacher leader

                                                                                     N              P
                    Administrative Tasks
                    Promoting MBAMP events                                           10            10%
                    Attending face-to face planning meetings                         9             90%
                    Writing grants or funding                                        4             40%
                    Giving email feedback
                         For flyers, surveys or schedules                            8             80%
                         For participants survey                                     5             50%
                         Daily schedule of an event                                  7             70%
                    Networking for MBAMP                                             7             70%
                    Mentoring Tasks
                    Working with UCSC Pre-service Teachers                           3             30%
                    Supporting a new Teacher Leader                                  2             20%
                    Attending Teacher Leader session to support                      3             30%
                    Opening your classroom for visitor observation                   6             60%
                    Advising Tasks
                    Determining the direction of 1 day conference                    7             70%
                       Determining the direction of an institute                     6             60%
                       Assisting to start a new leadership team                      4             40%
                       Finding other Teacher Leaders                                 3             30%
                       Serving as a liaison between MBAMP and school districts       5             50%
                    Presenting/Planning Tasks
                    Breakout sessions with another teacher leader                    6             60%
                    Entire content for session without support                       8             80%
                    Solo Producing an entire event without director                  2             20%
                    Producing an entire event with another teacher                   3             30%
                    3 day institute                                                  1             10%

                   session with another teacher leader (60%). Solo producing an entire event without director support was
                   not commonly reported (20%). Teacher leaders were also less likely to report producing an entire event
                   with another teacher (30%).

                   Perceived Benefit of Mathematics Professional Development Organization

                   Participants  were  asked  to  report  the  benefits  they  received  from  working  with  MBAMP.  Teacher
                   responses were organized into three categories: teaching skills, sense of belonging, and professional
                   development skills (see Table 3).
                      90% of participants reported their experience with MBAMP deepened their pedagogical understand-
                   ing. 80% of participants also reported their mathematical understanding deepened and they learned new
                   teaching practices. Tasks that were identified as developing a teachers’ sense of belonging were highly

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