Page 121 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 121

The Role of Teacher Leadership for Promoting Professional Development Practices

               Table 3. Perceived benefit of MBAMP

                                                                                       N            P
                Teaching Skills
                Deepening my mathematics understanding                                 8           80
                Deepening my pedagogical understanding                                 9           90
                Learning new teaching practices                                        8           80
                Sense of Belonging
                Part of a professional community of educators                          10          100
                Feeling connected an less isolated                                     7           70
                Sharing my teaching experience with teachers                           10          100
                Being a professional outside of the class                              8           80
                Sharing about your work with MBAMP                                     8           80
                Professional Development Skills
                Developing a session to present                                        6           60
                Developing the skills to present to other teachers                     7           70
                Spreading the word on effective practices                              10          100
                Planning an institute                                                  8           80
                Planning a 1-day conference                                            7           70

               rated and include 100% of the participants reported a benefit of being “part of a professional community
               of educators”. Participants also reported sharing their teaching practices (100%), being a professional
               outside of the classroom (80%) and sharing what they are doing at MBAMP (80%) to be a benefit as
               well. The most common professional development skill reported was 100% of participants identified
               spreading the word on effective practices to be a benefit of their work at MBAMP. They also reported
               planning an institute (80%) and 1-day conference (70%) to be a benefit as well.
               Shaping Classroom Instruction

               Participants were asked to share how their participation in the MBAMP organization shaped their class-
               room instruction. Similar to the results from the survey above the participants’ responses were generally
               related to three specific areas: teaching skills, sense of belonging, and presentation skills. With regards
               to teaching skills one participant shared “I have learned specifically how to implement number talks
               and use different engagement strategies which encourage my students to communicate and be part of
               our discussions about math.” Participant responses also indicate the value of belonging to a professional
               development organization with regards to their own motivation and teaching style “being involved in
               leadership helps me to stay motivated to teach the way we preach” and “MBAMP helps inspire me to
               keep stretching for the next best practice”. Sense of belonging to a professional development organization
               was also evident in teacher responses as one teacher shared “It has sustained me through difficult times”
               and “I bring more of a spirit of curiosity into my classroom now than I did previously”. With regards to
               presentation skills teachers reported “I became more confident in my presentation skills” and “I use my
               classroom as a lab to try new lessons or ideas that I consider sharing with other teachers.”

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