Page 30 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
P. 30

The Role of the Professional Doctorate in Developing Professional Practice in STEM Subjects

                   broadened my professional network (now a member of the Association of National Teaching Fellows)
                   and given me the funds to undertake innovative activities with my students that I wouldn’t normally
                   have the finance to do.
                   Individual Student Reflections

                   Below are some student reflections on their doctoral journey, taken from individual narrative accounts.

                   This has been a difficult journey; juxtaposing a full-time senior management career and personal family
                   commitments; whilst at the same time trying to mesh in a demanding academic and doctoral research
                   project. My knowledge and understanding of the subject, however, would not have been anywhere as near
                   developed had I not embarked on this programme of study. I feel a real sense of achievement in being
                   able to juggle so many demands and at the same time still managing to deliver the required outcomes
                   to timescale.

                   When I embarked on my part time PhD, I had no clear expectations other than I wanted to see if I could
                   achieve at this level of academic work. I had already undertaken several taught postgraduate courses.
                   However, reflecting on my journey in undertaking this research and the reading and theory that I have
                   covered.....I now realise that to get high quality work that I can be proud of is really (really) hard work
                   and that it isn’t enough to skim the literature.

                   I can honestly say that if my work resulted in a fail that, whilst I would naturally be disappointed, I could
                   walk away knowing that I have personally developed in a way that I never anticipated.

                   In practice, I feel it is important for you to know who you are and what drives you, and yet, it has only
                   been over the past three years that I have seen such clarity.

                   I am a great believer in learning by doing. The action learning nature of my doctorate enabled me to
                   gain a deep understanding of my subject.

                   I found the action research nature of my project to be particularly appropriate. I was exploring a topic
                   which was of interest to me, and of use to my work colleagues. Indeed they became part of my project,
                   which helped enormously in developing my skills of critical thinking, as they were always there ready
                   to question what I was doing.

                   Researching and writing up my research has provided an additional dimension to my work as I have
                   become more knowledgeable about past and current policy and I am able to relate it to theory and
                   academic literature.

                   The opportunity to study for a doctorate presented itself when I had just returned to work full time
                   after six months maternity leave and a year working part-time. On reflection, perhaps full time work,
                   a demanding toddler and a part-time doctorate were not an ideal combination but my employer was
                   willing to part-fund my doctoral studies and this was too good an opportunity to miss. On a personal
                   level, becoming a researcher has illuminated and given an added degree of purpose to my professional

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