Page 35 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
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The Role of the Professional Doctorate in Developing Professional Practice in STEM Subjects

               Smith, P., Walker-Gleaves, C., Fulton, J., & Candlish, C. (2009a). Developing Inter-Professional Com-
               munities of Practice within the context of a Professional Doctorate Programme. Proceedings of Higher
               Education Academy conference, Manchester.
               Smith, P., Walker-Gleaves, C., Fulton, J., & Candlish, C. (2009b). The Professional Doctorate within the
               context of Leadership Development Strategies. First International conference on Professional Doctor-
               ates, UK Council for Graduate Education.
               Taylor, A. (2007). Learning to Become Researching Professionals: The case of the Doctorate of Educa-
               tion. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(2), 154–166.

               Thompson, J., Smith, P. & Cooper, B. (2012). An autoethnographic study of the impact of reflection
               and doctoral study on practice. Work Based Learning e-Journal, 2(2), 1-12.

               UKCGE. (2010). Professional Doctorate Awards in the UK. London: UK Council for Graduate Education.

               Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2006). Mindfulness and the Quality of Organisational Attention. Or-
               ganization Science, 17(4), 514–524. doi:10.1287/orsc.1060.0196


                  Action Research: A research approach which involves iterations of practical action, followed by
                  Doctorate: A higher degree obtained by research.
                  Professional Doctorate: A practice-based research degree.
                  Reflection: The action of thinking and analysing one’s actions in order to learn for the future.

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