Page 85 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
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A Paradigm Shift for Teachers’ Professional Development Structure in Turkey

               support other teachers in their school or local area, thus continue to reinforce the fundamental tenets of
               these programmes. Although, there are further efforts needed to determine the dimensions and require-
               ments of the scaled-up PD programmes, first we, as researchers, policy makers, and teachers need to
               have the commitment and determination to move the idea forward.


               The multifaceted findings of the PD project show that there is a fine line between the structure of an
               in-service teacher programme and students’ learning outcomes. It appears that in our educational setting
               that those who should be the ultimate beneficiaries, that is, the students, are ignored or forgotten as we
               think, talk, and act upon teachers’ professional development. It could be argued that reverse engineering
               processes should be employed in policy making, PD planning and implementation, and the measurement
               of outcomes if we aim to fulfil the needs of our students. In conclusion, answering the question of why
               teachers need in-service training can be an excellent starting point for discussion among all stakeholders
               of education if we dare to place the teachers as learners. Consequently, by accepting that in the first layer
               of the PD programme the teachers are learners and we, the in-service providers, treat them as learners
               providing them with proper tools and structures, then these teachers will become more competent in
               helping their learners – the students.


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