Page 94 - Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education
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Systematic Support for STEM Pre-Service Teachers

                   graduate lack comprehension of even remedial mathematics (ACT, 2011), it is reported that 44% of
                   middle school students would rather take out the trash than do math homework (Research Now, 2012).
                   According to the 2012 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), only 40% of fourth graders
                   nationwide were proficient in math, and students across grade levels were especially weak in inquiry-
                   based science (Rosen, 2012).
                      The situation of STEM learning for minority students is even worse. The achievement gap between
                   white and minority students in mathematics and science is well documented in numerous research and
                   statistical reports (e.g., Condition of Education, The Nation’s Report Card, Science and Engineering Indi-
                   cators). According to statistics from the National Center for Educational Statistics and the NSF Division
                   Resources Statistics (National Research Council, 2011), white, Hispanic, and black students respectively
                   have a gain of 116 points, 113 points, and 101 points in average mathematic scores from kindergarten to
                   8th grade. By 5th grade, the gap between white and black students in average mathematics scores was 24
                   points, and the average score of black 5th grade students was equivalent to the average 3rd grade score
                   of white students. Similar mathematics achievement gaps persist through high school (Ingels, Pratt, Rog-
                   ers, Siegel, & Stutts, 2004; Riegle-Crumb & Grodsky, 2010). The educational shortfall is not limited to
                   a specific region, race, or socioeconomic group; it is a national problem (Gottfried & Williams, 2013).
                      The above alarming trends of low STEM learning outcomes and achievement gap go side by side
                   with K-12 students’ disinterest in STEM disciplines. As indicated by previous research, students begin
                   to lose interest in STEM near the middle school years (Finson & Enochs, 1987; Barmby, Kind, & Jones,
                   2008; Bennett & Hogarth, 2009). K-12 STEM education in the U.S. has to deal with three big chal-
                   lenges: improving student overall STEM learning outcomes, narrowing the STEM achievement gap,
                   and promoting student interest in STEM. Dealing with these three challenges, as the key to strengthen-
                   ing the U.S. STEM workforce pipeline, relies heavily on preparing qualified STEM teachers. Although
                   improving K-12 STEM education is indispensable of organizational elements, such as school leadership
                   and staff collaboration (CADRE, 2011), STEM teacher quality is essential because, working directly
                   with students on a daily basis, STEM teachers are the most active agents who can bring changes to the
                   K-12 STEM education landscape.
                      Professional development, as a widely accepted conventional and promising intervention to improve
                   teacher quality (Buczynski & Hansen, 2010; Goldschmidt & Phelps, 2009), has assumed an important
                   role in preparing teachers for STEM education in the past decade. Teacher professional development is
                   a key mechanism not only for improving classroom instruction but also for improving student learning
                   outcomes (Ball & Cohen, 1999; Cohen & Hill, 2000; Yoon, Duncan, Lee, Scarloss, & Shapley, 2007).
                   A report on 1,300 studies addressing the effect of teacher professional development (Yoon, Duncan,
                   Lee, Scarloss, & Shapley, 2007) finds that teachers who receive substantial professional development
                   can boost their students’ achievement by 21 percentile points. However, although previous research
                   (e.g., Cunningham, Lachapelle, & Keenan, 2010; Diaconu, Radigan, Suskavcevic, & Nichol, 2012;
                   Hsu, Cardella, & Purzer, 2010; McDermott & DeWater, 2000; Supovitz, Mayers, & Kahle, 2000) has
                   yielded findings regarding the positive effects of STEM professional development, STEM professional
                   development was criticized to be “often short, fragmented, ineffective, and not designed to address the
                   specific need of individual teachers” (Wilson, 2011). The overall mixed record of STEM professional
                   development (CADRE, 2011) heightens the need to review the current practice of K-12 STEM profes-
                   sional development and to rethink about its future directions.

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