Page 106 - IGC BOOK
P. 106

First-aid requirements in the workplace

               First Aid

               “The immediate care given to a person who
               has been injured prior to the obtain qualified
               medical assistance”.

               The role of first aid
                   •   Preserve life
                       Effective first aid helps to save life

                   •   Prevent condition from worsening
                       Treating the cause will prevent condition becoming worsening

                   •   Promote Recovery
                       Constant support and treating minor injuries help to promote recovery.

               The aim of first aid is to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work, whether caused by
               the work itself or not. First-aid provision must be ‘adequate and appropriate in the circumstances.

               This means that sufficient first-aid

                   •   Facilities
                   •   Equipment
                   •   Personnel

               These arrangements must be readily available to employees at all times.

               First-Aid Facilities

               The first-aid room(s) should contain essential first-aid facilities and equipment, be easily accessible
               to stretchers and be clearly signposted and identified. If possible, the room(s) should be reserved
               exclusively for giving first aid.

                   •   First-aid  rooms  should  be  centrally  located  with  large  enough  space  for  emergencies
                       services to access.
                   •   Well ventilated with adequate lighting, must be kept clean at all the times.
                   •   Availability of chair, soaps and towels, waste disposal containers, etc.

                 ENSIGN|                Unit IG1 – Element 3 – Managing Risks – Understanding People and Processes  61
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