Page 108 - IGC BOOK
P. 108

Number of First Aiders and Appointed Persons

               This will depend upon the findings of the risk assessment. In the UK the minimum requirement

                                Low Hazard                                  Higher Hazard
                 e.g. offices, shops                          e.g. light engineering and assembly work, food
                                                              processing, working with dangerous machinery
                 Fewer than 25 – One Appointed person
                                                              Fewer than 5 – One Appointed Person
                 25-50 – 1 EFAW trained first-aider
                                                              5-50 – 1 EFAW trainer first-aider
                 More than 50 – 1 FAW trained first-aider for every
                 100 employees.                               More than 50 – 1 FAW trained first-aider for every
                                                              50 employees

               First-Aid Coverage

               An employer should make an assessment of first aid needs appropriate to the circumstances
               (hazards and risks) of each workplace.

               Factors to consider when deciding provision of first aid

               • nature of the work and workplace hazards and risks
               • organisation’s history of accidents
               • size of the organisation
               • the needs of travelling, remote and lone workers
               • work patterns
               • distribution of the workforce
               • remoteness and geographical location of the site from emergency medical services
               • employees working on shared or multi-occupied sites
               • first-aid provision for non-employees.

                 ENSIGN|                Unit IG1 – Element 3 – Managing Risks – Understanding People and Processes  63
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