Page 113 - IGC BOOK
P. 113

4.1      Active and Reactive Monitoring

               Introduction to Active and Reactive Monitoring

               We should monitor health and Safety as how an organisation
               monitors other aspects of the business.
               The primary purpose of measuring health and safety performance
               is  to  provide  information  on  the  progress  and  status  of  the
               strategies,  processes  and  activities  used  by  an  organisation  to
               control risks to health and safety.

               Measurement information sustains the operation and
               development of the health and safety management system, and
               so the control of risk by.

               • providing information on how the system operates in practice
               • identifying areas where remedial action is required
               • providing a basis for continual improvement
               • providing feedback and motivation

               There are different types of monitoring but categorised under two major categories:

               Active  Monitoring  Gathering  information  before  an  event,  involves  inspections,  audit,  safety
               survey and put things right to prevent accident happening.

               For example
               Monitor the design, development, installation, and operation of management arrangements.
               These are preventive in nature, for example:

               • routine inspections of premises, plant, and equipment by staff
               • health surveillance to prevent harm to health
               • planned function check regimes for key pieces of plant.

               Reactive Monitoring Gathering information followed by an event, to find out the reasons for
               failure in the systems, usually lessons learnt from mistakes. If an organisation needs to improve
               their performance, they need to monitor both the performances.

               For example
               monitor evidence of poor health and safety practice but can also identify better practices that
               may be transferred to other parts of a business, for example:

                   •   investigating accidents and incidents
                   •   monitoring cases of ill health and sickness absence records

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