Page 116 - IGC BOOK
P. 116

A suitable programme should take all risks into account but should be properly targeted. For
               example, low risks might be dealt with by general inspections every month or two, covering a
               wide range of workplace precautions such as the condition of premises, floors, passages, stairs,
               lighting, welfare facilities, and first aid. Higher risks need more frequent and detailed inspections,
               perhaps weekly or even, in extreme cases, daily, or before use.

               The inspection programmes should satisfy any specific legal requirements and reflect risk
               priorities. Suitable schedules and performance standards for the frequency and content of
               inspection can help. The schedules can be supplemented with inspection forms or checklists,
               both to ensure consistency in approach and to provide records for follow-up action.

               Safety Sampling

               Safety sampling is a systematic sampling of specific items
               from a group. It is a method of measuring hazard or
               accident potential by random sampling and by counting
               safety defects while touring (Safety Tour) specified area by a
               recommended tour of 15 minutes at weekly intervals.

               The quantum of defects noticed is applied to describe
               trends in a safety situation. The point on safety sampling
               sheet includes features such as non-use of personal
               protection, blocked fire exit, environmental aspects,
               lighting, ventilation, temperature, faulty hand tools,
               guarding position, Housekeeping machinery condition.

               If the legal standard in a chemical industry is to measure airborne contaminants, then the
               employer requires adopting effective methods to evaluate the contaminants in the workplace.
               Based on the potential chemical hazards and the number of exposures by the employees. There
               are different ways to sample the airborne contaminants including Direct reading, Grab sampler,
               passive sampling, and surface contamination.

               By adopting any of the methods, sampling can be collected and analyzed against it establishes
               the standards on a whole.

               Safety Tours

               Safety tour is an unscheduled examination of work
               area, carried out by top management from each
               department to explore the effectiveness of the
               existing control measures, this also ensures that
               standards of housekeeping are adequate, whether
               workers follow the rules for example wearing PPE
               while at work.

               They can observe and discuss with workers about
               the working procedures and controls in place.

                 ENSIGN |                      Unit IG1 – Element 4 – Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring  4
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