Page 119 - IGC BOOK
P. 119

Reactive Monitoring

               Failures in risk control also need to be measured (reactive monitoring), to provide opportunities
               for organisations to check performance, learn from failures and improve the health and safety
               management system.

               Reactive monitoring arrangements include systems to
               identify and report:

               • injuries and work-related ill health

               • other losses such as damage to property.

               • incidents, including those with the potential to cause
                  injury, ill health or loss.

               • hazards and faults

               • weaknesses or omissions in performance standards and

               Lagging or reactive safety performance indicators measure events that have already occurred.
               They are also referred to as ‘outcome-based SPIs’ and are normally (but not always) the negative
               outcomes the organization is aiming to avoid.

               Lagging safety performance indicators help the organization understand what has happened in
               the past and are useful for long-term trending. They can be used as a high-level indicator or as a
               sign of specific occurrence types or locations, such as ‘types of accidents per job-role type’ or
               ‘specific incident types by location or region’


               Data collected and reported about several unwanted events, such as

                   •   Near misses
                   •   Dangerous occurrences
                   •   Accidents
                   •   Lost workdays
                   •   Damaged property
                   •   Ill health cases
                   •   Workforce complaints
                   •   Enforcement actions–number and type
                   •   Civil claims–number and type
                   •   Accident costs

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