Page 124 - IGC BOOK
P. 124

Step 1: Gathering Information

               • Physical evidence Preserve the incident scene for
                  the purpose of gathering evidences to ensure the
                  outcomes of the investigation are factual and
                  enable the identification of causes.

               • Verbal evidence identifies the witness, especially
                  those who have been involved in the accident and
                  know what had happened? If there are many
                  witnesses everyone may be investigated separately.
                  Their statement must be recorded.

               • Document evidence this may include photographs, sketches, measurements, site map or
                  layout, CCTV footages and samples collected from the accident spots.

               This information must be recorded initially, later a formal report must be prepared once the
               investigation is completed.

               Once this step is thoroughly completed move to the witnesses to gather information.

               Interviewing witness can be challenging task sometimes. The interviewer must therefore
               carefully interview the witness to gather factual evidences.

               Witness Interviewing Techniques

               Prompt witness interview followed by the event to avoid information being erased from their

               • Conduct interview in a private room, it should be free from distractions and interruptions.
               • Introduce themselves and try to build a rapport with the witness, care should be given to
                  observe witness body language, the interviewer must maintain their voice tone and provide
                  response in calm and neutral manner.
               • Explain the witnesses about the purpose of the interview i.e. its not about to blaming people,
                  the main aim is to find the cause to prevent reoccurrence.
               • Keep them informed that the explanation and responses will be taken as notes during the
               • Use Open questions, such as, what, why, where, when, Who and How. For example, you can
                  raise a question how did the accident happened? The witness tries to explain you the incident
                  as the interviewer will get more information. Close end question will put the witness to
                  answer Yes or No.
               • Keep an open mind to the responses.
               • Record the details including the names of the interviewer, interviewee, and any other
                  witnesses. Location, date, and time of interview along with important comments during the
               • Summarise your understanding and ask witnesses to write and sign a declaration statement
                  to generate a record of their testimony.
               • Appreciate the witness for providing the information and thank them for their support.

                 ENSIGN |                      Unit IG1 – Element 4 – Health and Safety Monitoring and Measuring  12
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