Page 117 - IGC BOOK
P. 117

This proves a top management commitment towards health and safety which will positively
               reflect in the safety culture of the organisation.

               The issues identified during the tour must have an intended outcome, so the issues must be
               recorded, and it needs to have improvement actions implemented.

               Arrangements for Active Monitoring

               We must consider the following factors while introducing
               active monitoring systems:

               The type of active monitoring–carried out for various
               reasons. Different methods are used to examine various
               aspects of health and safety in the workplace.

               • A general workplace inspection to ensure legal
                  requirements are met in accordance with standards.

               • Sampling methods to a specific item from a group.

               • Safety tour of the entire organisation or department.

               Frequency of Monitoring–is determined by the nature of inspection carried out and the risk
               level. General workplace may require inspection once in a month; however, it may require
               weekly inspection if there is a high-risk activity carried out. The frequency will also be decided on
               the condition of the equipment or environment and availability of a competent person. Statutory
               inspection depends on the legal requirement or organisation’s requirement.

               Competency of the Inspector - Workplace inspections are carried out by various people
               including senior managers, safety practitioners, representatives, specialist or from enforcement

               Whoever is carrying inspection must have competency with adequate knowledge, ability, training
               and experience. Competence may require certification to a specific standard for example
               inspecting lifting tools against BS/ANSI standards. The inspection must have thorough
               knowledge of the workplace and understanding of the activities being carried out. The inspector
               must be trained in the inspection techniques with the use of checklist, he also possesses good
               communication and report writing skills.

               Checklist - Checklist is a consistency approach when carrying out inspection, it helps the
               inspection to cover all the items listed in the checklist, upon completion it becomes an
               immediate written record. A checklist might include various points covered such as:

                   •   Working environment
                   •   Welfare facilities
                   •   Standard operating procedures / SSoW
                   •   Housekeeping

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