Page 149 - IGC BOOK
P. 149

Personal Hearing Protection

               Personal hearing protection is needed to reduce the effects of noise exposure. The hearing
               protection must be able to reduce the exposure to an acceptable standard set by the national
               authorities. For instance, 85 db(A) TWA – 8 hours/day.

               Hearing protection should be considered after all introducing all other means of controlling

               The high noisy area must be defined as ‘mandatory hearing protection zones’. The workers must
               be aware of the noise risks and available suitable controls to reduce exposure.

                      Earmuff – Headband                              Earmuff –Helmet mounted

               Application and Limitation of Ear Defenders

                 Earmuffs                      Advantages                    Limitations

                 Fit around the ear and the    designed so that one size fits   Uncomfortable when worn
                 outer area                    most head sizes               for long hours.

                 Types:                        easily seen at a distance to   Incompatible with other types
                                               assist in the monitoring of   of PPE.
                                               their use
                 Helmet mounted                                              Effective may be reduced if it
                                               may be worn with minor ear
                                               infections                    doesn’t fit properly
                 Earplugs                      Advantages                    Limitations
                 Inserted into the ear canals   small and easily carried     require good hygiene
                                               convenient to use with other
                                               personal protection           may irritate the ear canal
                                               equipment (can be worn with
                                               earmuffs)                     more difficult to see and
                                                                             monitor usage
                                               more comfortable for long

                 ENSIGN |                                      Unit IG2 – Element 5 – Physical and Psychological   9
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