Page 154 - IGC BOOK
P. 154

Basic Vibration Control Measures

               • Eliminate or reduce vibration at source
               • Interrupt the pathway from source to the receiver
               • Limit duration of exposure.

               Eliminate or Reduce Vibration at Source

               Elimination – Removing the sources of vibration though
               automated system to avoid the need to use the equipment.

               Substitute – change the vibration source using alternate methods or tools that produces less
               vibration, using battery operated drilling machine rather than power operated. However, more
               force required with longer usage).

               Change work techniques - Change the work methods so that vibrating tools may not be

               • Flame cutting instead of percussive metalworking tools.
               • Welding instead of riveting.


               • Replacement of worn parts and correction of unbalanced equipment can reduce
                  vibration levels.
               • Anti-vibration devices need to be maintained.
               • Sharpened tools will reduce the duration of the job and therefore the exposure time.

               Interrupt pathway to the receiver


               Isolation is the reduction of vibration passing from the vibrating machine, tool, or component to
               the operator’s hands. This can be achieved by the use of rubber bushes, sleeves and anti-
               vibration mounts.

               Limit the Duration of Exposure

               Limit Exposure - limitation of the duration and magnitude of exposure to vibration by calculating
               exposure action value and limit value.

               Job Rotation – exposure is shared among several workers so that no one achieves the exposure
               action or limit value. Workers provided with appropriate work schedules with adequate rest

               Anti-Vibration Tools

               Tools can be designed or mounted in ways that help reduce the vibration level. For example,
               using anti-vibration chain saws reduces acceleration levels by a factor of about 10. These types

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