Page 151 - IGC BOOK
P. 151

1. HML (High, Medium, Low) values
               2. SNR (Single number rating) values
               3. Octave band mean attenuation and the standard deviation

               In summary, personal protective equipment (hearing protection) should be the last choice

               • It is not effective if not worn correctly or is not maintained adequately
               • It needs constant management attention to ensure its use.

               • It may introduce secondary risks (failure to hear alarms, instructions, vehicles).

               Health Surveillance

               Appropriate health surveillance should be conducted for all workers whose noise exposures
               reach a certain level prescribed by national laws and regulations or by national or internationally
               recognized standards above which health surveillance should be carried out.

               Workers’ health surveillance may include:

               • Pre-employment or pre-assignment medical examination.
               • To determine any contraindication to exposure to noise.
               • detect any sensitivity to noise.
               • To establish a baseline, record useful for later
                  medical surveillance.
               • Periodical medical examinations at regular
               • To detect the first symptoms of occupational
               • To detect the appearance of any unusual sensitivity
                  to noise and signs of stress due to noisy working
               • medical examinations prior to resumption of work
                  after a period of extended sickness or in case of
                  conditions as may be specified in national legislation or internationally recognized standards.
               • medical examinations performed on cessation of employment to provide a general picture of
                  the eventual effects of exposure to noise

               • supplementary and special medical examinations when an abnormality is found, and it
                  requires further investigation

               The results of the medical examinations and of supplementary examinations and tests, such as
               audiometric testing, of everyone should be recorded in a confidential medical file. The worker
               should be informed of these results and their significance accordingly.

                 ENSIGN |                                      Unit IG2 – Element 5 – Physical and Psychological   11
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