Page 25 - IGC BOOK
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the same work area., for example if the contractor is carrying out  a machinery maintenance it
               would be  wise to prohibit other workers or operators  do any task with the machinery.

               Monitoring and Managing the work

               Monitoring is critical in ensuring that contract
               terms and conditions are being met in terms
               of  technical  quality  as  well  as  health  and
               The  frequency  of  monitoring  is  dependent
               upon  the  hazards  and  risks  associated  with
               the  job.  High  risk  activity  may  require
               frequent  monitoring  now  and  then,  long
               duration  low  risk  work  may  be  subject  to
               weekly or less frequent checks.                           Client and Contractor must co-ordinate
                                                                              each other at workplace
               The  proposed  frequency  should  be  decided
               based on what is agreed between the client and contractor initially.

                   •   Regular Checks – ask yourself ‘are the control measures are effective?

                   •   Investigating after things went wrong, e.g. Near misses, accidents, ill health reported. Ask
                       yourself what went wrong and how it can be prevent from happening again?

               Review the Contractor’s Performance, and the Effectiveness of Control

               The contractor’s job is complete when the work has been completed according to the plan and
               the terms of the contract agreement.

               A joint client / contractor review can be effective in reviewing contractor’s performance.

               Any issues arising should be recorded. The information may determine the future use of the
               contractor or the need for changes to contractor management arrangements.

                 ENSIGN|                     Unit IG1 – Element 1 – Why We Should Manage Workplace Health and   17
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