Page 268 - IGC BOOK
P. 268

Health, Welfare and Work Environment Requirements        8.1

               Health and Welfare

               Welfare Provision

               Welfare facilities are basic needs, which are necessary for the well-being of employees,
               such as washing, toilet, rest and changing facilities, and a hygiene place to eat and drink.
               The employer is responsible to provide adequate welfare facilities for the employees while
               they are at work.
               Working environment refers to physical conditions at work. It includes workspace,
               temperature, ventilation, lighting, etc.

               The workplace welfare provision requirements are subject to legal standards, for example
               the workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.

               The regulations look particularly at:

                   -   Access and egress
                   -   Traffic systems
                   -   Internal layout and Space
                   -   Hygiene and waste disposal

               Similarly, in India, the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996, Chapter VI
               Hours of Work, Welfare Measures and Other Conditions of Service of Building
               Workers, establishes standards for constructions sites in India.

               Drinking water

               Adequate supply of drinking water should be made available to the workers, preference
               should be given to the distribution of running water supply wherever possible. Wherever
               this is not possible then consideration shall be given to the use of enclosed refillable

               The drinking water must be labelled ‘drinking water’ or
               ‘not for drinking’ as appropriate.

               Washing facilities

               Adequate washing facilities are made available with
               running hot or cold water. The washing facilities must
               be in convenient locations, close to washrooms and
               changing facility.

               Showers are provided where the work is strenuous or
               dirty or there is a risk of contamination of skin or body
               from hazardous substances. e.g. chemical

                 ENSIGN |                                                   General Workplace Issues     1
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