Page 272 - IGC BOOK
P. 272

Control Measures for Hot / Cold Environment

               The risk can be controlled from the effects of extreme temperature can be through
               equipment design, safe working practices and suitable protective clothing.

               Hot Environment

                   •   Ventilation at the work environment to reduce hot temperature
                   •   Lagging hot sources with heat resistant materials

                   •   Frequent breaks
                   •   Provide access to isotonic (water, sodium and carbohydrates) drinks.

                   •   Provide cool refuges.

                   •   Provision of Personal Protective equipment – heat resistant face shields, coverall.

               Cold Environment

                   •   Provide local heating facilities
                   •   Lagging or shielding cold sources

                   •   Frequent breaks

                   •   Provide warm refuges
                   •   Provision of Warm workstations

                   •   Provide access to hot food and drinks.
                   •   Personal protective equipment – thermal wears.

                   •   Treat icy floor with salt.

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