Page 270 - IGC BOOK
P. 270

The minimum requirement includes:

                   •   Unobstructed workspace.

                   •   Controls at convenient location
                   •   Comfortable ergonomic seating, considering the special needs for workers with

                   •   Provision of footrest, where the worker cannot comfortably place his/her feet flat

                       on the floor.


               The workplace must be well ventilated to ensure adequate supply of fresh air.  This is
               possible by supplying air through windows or using mechanical ventilation system.

               Consider the following factors when providing ventilation system.

                   -   Air inlets should be sited carefully to avoid

                       drawing in contaminated air.
                   -   Workers should not be expose to

                       uncomfortable draughts.
                   -   Mechanical ventilation system should be

                       regularly cleaned, tested and maintained to
                       ensure they are free from contamination.


               Lighting is significant factor in the workplace to reduce
               accidents. Natural lighting is the best form of lighting,
               however good level of local lighting shall be provided wherever necessary.
               Recommended Light levels

               Work area located close to the windows may be reduced to 1000 lux; for normal activities
               range from 100 - 300; common lighting level range between 500 - 1000 lux is common
               depending on activity; for precision and detailed work the range may require from 1500 –
               2000 lux

               Poor lighting can cause health issues such as eyestrain, migraine, and headache. Lights that
               shines brighter than the average brightness into the eyes can cause glares.

               Lighting should be suitable for the environment and the type of work performed, it should
               not cause glares, flicker, or stroboscopic effects.

               In some situation emergency lighting may be required, for e.g. in the event of fire the main
               lights go off, the emergency lighting should be able to assist employees to the safe exit.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   General Workplace Issues     3
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