Page 287 - IGC BOOK
P. 287

The following must be considered while using a safety net

                   •   Must be erected by trained and competent riggers and strong enough to withstand
                       weight of the people.
                   •   Nets should be positioned as close as possible to the working level to minimise the
                       height of a fall.

                   •   Inspected frequently to ensure it is fixed correctly and arrest a fall, e.g. weekly
                   •   Rescue procedures must in place to rescue someone from a rigged net.
                   •   First aid facilities must be readily available to treat if someone is injured.

               Inspection of Access Equipment

               It is always a good practice and often a legal requirement to routinely inspect access

               equipment. The inspection must be carried out by a competent person. The equipment
               must also be inspected at regular intervals. The inspection regimes include:

                   •   Before use for the first time
                   •   After any assembly or followed by any modification.

                   •   Any incident which would likely to affect the integrity of the equipment (being

                       struck by reversing vehicle or adverse weather conditions.
                   •   Periodical or thorough inspection (weekly, every six months).

               Inspection details must be recorded and kept until next inspection for further reference.
               Tags or labels are used to indicate the condition of the equipment that it has passed

               inspection or not. Any defects must be notified to the employer in a written report. The
               defective equipment must be withdrawn from workplace.

               Prevention of Falling Materials Through Safe Stacking and Storage

               Housekeeping is vital to eliminate trip and slip hazards, fire hazard. The employer should
               take possible measures to conduct workplace inspection to ensure that the housekeeping

               arrangements including removal of waste materials regularly, emergency walkways free

               from obstructions and keep access and exists routes clear.

               All unwanted waste materials must be removed from the workplace, as piled up materials

               make block walkways, obscure steps or kerbs. Removal of snow or treating icy floor is
               indeed important to prevent slip and fall.

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