Page 288 - IGC BOOK
P. 288

Careful consideration must be given to keep the site tidy and how housekeeping will be

               effectively managed, storage space must be planned at the initial stage must include:

                   •   Clearly defined
                   •   Separate storage facility for each item for quick identification.
                   •   Flammable liquids must be stored in a separate fire -resistant container with doors
                       secured, a drip tray can be attached to the storage container.
                   •   Storage area must be isolated and restricted for normal operations.
                   •   Routinely inspected, maintained always with good housekeeping.
                   •   Warning signs must be in place.

               Stacking materials vertically is the most effective way to use the space correctly

                   •   Separate stacks for each material to avoid items gets mixed.
                   •   Define maximum stack height based on the item being stored.

                   •   Do not keep material on ground, use pallets of adequate strength for loads
                   •   Stacking should not be so high or leaning, which result in toppling over.

                   •   Workplace must be carefully designed for safe movement between the stacks.
                   •   Protect stacks from being struck by moving vehicles. E.g. edge protectors,


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