Page 308 - IGC BOOK
P. 308

The Driver

               Three significant risk factors exist for the driver

               Competency – The driver must be competent and capable of driving the vehicle, also must hold a
               relevant driving licence. The driver must demonstrate their skill and expertise which are required
               to drive the vehicles safely, this includes:

                   •   To check the driver’s licences validity at the time of recruitment and periodically to ensure
                       it remains valid.
                   •   Some organisation has set minimum standards regarding penalty endorsement on
                       company driving licence.

                   •   The employer may take up references as a proof of competency, experience, and ability.

               Training – driver may have to undergo specific training on safe driving.

                    •   Some employer may require their drivers to undergo defensive driving training and
                    •   The employer must also ensure that the drivers to undertake induction training.
                    •   Training the drivers on vehicle safety including pre-user checks, steering zoom and tilt
                        adjustment, the use of reversing cameras etc.
                    •   Consider training about other road users for example, cyclists or other motorists. ‘

               Fitness and health – Periodic medical examination conducted for drivers to ensure they are fit to
               drive safely.

                   •   It is a legal requirement for the drivers who
                       operate heavy vehicles (lorries, buses) they must
                       undergo medical examination and obtain medical
                   •   Drivers’ eyesight and other health requirements
                       needs to be checked.
                   •   Drivers should be informed that they should not
                       drive while taking medicine that could impair their

               The Vehicle

               The significant risk factors for the vehicles are:

               Suitability – when buying vehicle ensure they are suitable for intended purpose.

                   •   The vehicles have to fulfil certain standards set as a minimum requirement by the
                       organisation for example Euro NCAP – New Car Assessment Programme post-crash safety.

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