Page 305 - IGC BOOK
P. 305

Work–Related Driving                8.7


               Employer have legal duty to make sure that suitable arrangements in place to manage work-
               related driving. Employers also ensure that others are not put at risk by your work-related driving

               It is good management practice, that is should be part of everyday process.

               You can follow a Plan, Do, Check, Act approach to help you to achieve the standards.
                   •   Assess work-related road safety risks in your organisation
                   •   Determine health and safety policy including organising journeys, driver training and
                       vehicle maintenance.
                   •   Ensure there is a top management commitment
                   •   Clearly set roles and responsibilities.
                    •  Departments with different responsibilities must co-operate each other
                    •  Ensure adequate systems in place, for example vehicle inspection or maintenance
                    •  Involve workers during decision making process, communication, and consultation.
                    •  Provide training, information, and instruction wherever necessary.
                    • Monitor performance to ensure work-related road safety policy is effective.
                    • Encourage employees to report work-related road accidents and near misses.
                    •  Review performance based on the lesson learnt.
                    •  Regularly review and update policy.

               Assessing the risks

               The employer must assess the risk for any work-related driving activity same as other activity.

               The five-step approach is used to carry out risk assessment.

                                                                            REVIEW   RISK


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