Page 302 - IGC BOOK
P. 302

The following requirements shall be considered when designing a traffic route

                   •   Access and egress – separate for vehicles and pedestrians
                   •   The traffic routes must be clearly marked.
                   •   Segregation of pedestrian and vehicles, e.g. barriers
                   •   Routes must be free from obstructions
                   •   Wide enough roads considering parking, turning, one-way
                   •   Provision  of  suitable  lighting  on  traffic  routes,  corner,
                       loading and unloading areas.
                   •   Vehicles routes designed far away from doors / gates or
                       away from pedestrian routes.
                   •   Route  markings  to  instruct  the  driver  e.g.  traffic  lanes,
                       route edges etc.

               Control Measures to reduce reversing of vehicles

               Wherever possible try to remove the need to reverse vehicle by making it as one-way system, where
               this is not possible reversing of vehicles should be kept to a minimum. Consider the following:

                   •   Install barrier to prevent vehicle entering pedestrian zone.
                   •   Plan and clearly mark designated reversing areas.
                   •   Keep people away from reversing areas and operations
                   •   Use portable radios or similar communication systems
                   •   Increase drivers’ ability to see pedestrians
                   •   Install equipment on vehicles to help the driver and pedestrian while reversing by fitting
                       reversing alarms, flashing beacons or proximity sensors.

               Site Rules
               All drivers and visiting drivers must be aware and understand site rules and conditions.

               The security staff at the gates can provide an induction to the visiting drivers about the site rules.
               The information includes parking systems, welfare facilities, reversing systems, one-way systems

               Site rules are applied for workplace vehicles that remains in the site

                    • Using audible alarms at blinds spots, pedestrian crossing points.
                    • Parking  rules  –  vehicles  shall  be  parked  in  the  designated  parking  area  without  any

                      obstructions to the pedestrian walkway or emergency exits. The keys must be removed and
                      handed over to the designated person/department.

                    • Vehicles must not be left unattended at any point.

                    • Maintain speed limits as set by the employer.
                    • Using safety devices always fitted to the vehicle during operation.

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