Page 301 - IGC BOOK
P. 301

Workplace Transport Control Measures

               The employer must carry out risk assessment keeping in mind the safe movement of vehicles at the
               workplace, based on the risk assessed the control measures are introduced.

               The risk assessment must

                   •   Identify and list the types of vehicles that are used in the workplace and foreseeable accident
                       that might happen.
                   •   Identify the people at risk including driver, pedestrian, vulnerable group etc.
                   •   Evaluate the risk and the adequacy of the existing control measures and further control
                       measures to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
                   •   Record the significant findings
                   •   Review periodically and update whenever necessary.

               The control measures should consider the following

                   •   Safe Site
                   •   Safe Vehicles
                   •   Safe Drivers

               Safe Site

               Many fatal accidents are caused as a result of a vehicle reversing, In 1982 in the UK the HSE produced
               an analysis of fatal accidents due to transport activities (Transport Kills, HSE 1982), statistics showed
               that 20% of the fatal accidents were due to reversing vehicles.

               It is therefore essential to minimise reversing wherever possible.
               One method by which the need to reverse can be minimised by using one-way systems which are
               clearly marked.

               Traffic routes must be safe for people and vehicles using it. A well-designed traffic routes ensures
               vehicles and pedestrians are segregated, reduce transport related accidents.

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