Page 297 - IGC BOOK
P. 297

Use the right cleaning methods

                   •   Choose right cleaning methods which is effective for the type of floor.

                   •   Avoid more slips or trips while cleaning is being done.
                   •   Dry wet surface after cleaning.

                   •   Remove spillages frequently.
                   •   Have adequate arrangements in place for routine cleaning and dealing with spills.

                   •   Use suitable detergent mixed with correct concentration.

               Check and Consider the flooring and work environment

                   •   any loose, damaged, or worn flooring or mats and replace if necessary.

                   •   Floors likely to get wet or have spillages on them should be a type that is non slippery.
                   •   Ensure Sufficient lighting, changes in the floor level must be clearly visible.

                   •   Walkways and work areas must be kept clear of obstructions.

               Get the right footwear

                   •   Footwear play a significant role to prevent from slips in areas where floors cannot be

                   •   Ensure the footwear is fit and suitable for the condition of the environment.

                   •   Employer should supply footwear at free cost if supplied as PPE.

               Think and about people and organisational factor

                   •   The work must be planned and controlled, for example avoid rushing, overcrowding,

                       trailing cables.
                   •   Make sure employees are involved in the decisions that affect them, for example choice of

                       PPE footwear or a change in cleaning methods.


               Use signs only where hazards cannot be avoided or

               reduced, signs can be used as a cordon system. Signs
               creates caution to the pedestrian and vehicles to stay

               away from the hazards.

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