Page 318 - IGC BOOK
P. 318

Preventing Access to Dangerous Parts

               Prevent access to dangerous parts should be in the following order. In some  cases, it may be
               necessary to use a combination of these measures:

               • Use fixed guards (e.g. secured with screws or nuts and bolts) to enclose the dangerous parts.
               • If fixed guards are not practicable, use other methods, e.g. interlock the guard, photoelectric
                  devices, pressure-sensitive mats, or automatic guards may be used.
               • Protection appliances use jigs, holders, and push sticks.

               • Providing necessary information, instruction, training, and supervision.

               Restricting Use

               Work equipment involves ranges of hazards during operation; hence the use of work equipment
               must be restricted to authorized personnel. The work equipment must be used by trained
               person, any repairs, modification, or maintenance must be carried out the competent person.

               Information, Instruction and Training

               Provision of health and safety information is mandatory for those operate the equipment,
               monitor or carry out maintenance. The information can be provided verbally, or it can be in the
               form of writing.

               Written information may be:

               • User Manual
               • Warning Labels
               • Standard operation procedures

               Written information must be easily accessible and easy to understand, written information is
               required for more complex machinery which requires clear instructions for operation or service.

               The user must receive appropriate training on how to use the equipment safely, the potential
               risk as well as suitable control measures. Training may be required for existing staff, new or
               inexperience staff if they tend to operate power machineries.

               Young people require additional supervision due to lack of experience and poor judgement.
               Users of work equipment should:

               • Must only operate the equipment which they are permitted to use.
               • Must operate equipment in compliance with instruction and training
               • Use equipment for intended purpose, do not misuse the equipment
               • Carry out pre-user checks prior to use equipment
               • Do not use faulty equipment.
               • Should report any defect found
               • Equipment should be kept clean and maintain in good working condition.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   Unit IG2 – Element 9 – Work   2
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