Page 319 - IGC BOOK
P. 319

Hence  the  users  must  be  competent  with  knowledge  and  skills  to  perform  the  task  safely  by

               following above precautions.

               Information instruction, training and supervision is required for users or operators, supervisors

               and maintenance staff.

               Employers should ensure that the work equipment is maintained at regular intervals throughout
               its life.

               Maintenance Requirements

               Provision  and  use  of  work  equipment  regulation  1998  (PUWER),  requires  that  all  work
               equipment be maintained in safe working condition.

               There are two types of maintenance

               Active  or  proactive  maintenance  –  Planned  preventive  maintenance  or  condition-based
               Reactive maintenance - Break-down maintenance

               Planned Preventive Maintenance

               Referred as planned or scheduled as

               comprehensive overhaul, during this maintenance
               components are replaced regardless of their

               condition. Significance of this is to repair or replace

               a spare before they fail. For example, inspection of
               forklift after 150 hours of running.

               Condition Based Maintenance

               During service or inspection, monitoring the condition of the equipment and speculating a

               failure due to deterioration of the component. For example, replacing a forklift tire as its been
               found worn out during inspection.

               Breakdown Maintenance

               Repair carried out when thing go wrong, this is carried out followed by any repair of the

               Many accidents occur during maintenance work, the employer must ensure that reasonably
               practicable measures are in place to protect workers while carrying out maintenance.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   Unit IG2 – Element 9 – Work   3
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