Page 321 - IGC BOOK
P. 321

The  emergency  stop  button  must  be  located  at  convenient  location  which  should  be  easily
               identifiable and provide with markings for clear marking so that it can be easily accessible.
               Activating  emergency  stop  button  must  bring  the  machine  to  safe  position,  disengaging
               emergency stop button must not restart the machine, restarting should only be the command
               from main panel by the operator.

               The equipment must be fixed and secured in one position to prevent unintentional movement
               during operation. Machineries can be fixed on the floor using nuts, blots & clamps; in case of lifting
               equipment for e.g. Cranes, it is controlled with outriggers, additional precautions may be.


               The lighting must be adequate for the task to be carried out, in some areas, there may be local
               lighting for workstation may be necessary, consider special lighting for flammable atmosphere.
               Local lighting shall not produce glare, any stroboscopic effects.

               Lighting levels should be checked periodically to ensure that the intensity is not diminished by
               dust and grime deposits.


               The work equipment should be clearly marked with warnings. Warnings and markings include:

               • Operating instruction
               • Hot surface
               • Radiation hazards

               • SWL safe working Load marked for lifting equipment
               • Maximum and minimum operating speed for grinding machine, cutting machine

               • Entanglement hazard
               • Ejection hazard – flying objects, sparks.

               Marking can be in the form of shapes, graphical pictogram, words – instruction.

               Alarms and flashlights can be used to alert people prior to machine start to keep people away
               from danger. E.g. Audible and flashlight alarms alerts people prior to conveyor belt operation start.
               Consider environmental condition for lightings, poor lighting may obstruct visibility to the visual
               warnings.  Noisy  atmosphere  can  impede  audible  alarms;  hence  it  is  not  suitable  for  noisy

               Clear Unobstructed Workspace

               Unobstructed space allows the operator to move around the machinery also to carry out the task
               safely. The work area must be wide enough without any obstructions to move around or carry out
               pre-user checks. The work area must be provided with safe access, any obstruction must be clearly
               marked, if there is lifting operation carried out then the area must be clear off from obstruction,
               all unwanted materials must be cleared at regular intervals.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   Unit IG2 – Element 9 – Work   5
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