Page 324 - IGC BOOK
P. 324

Safe use of power tools requires:

               • sufficient  power  supply  do  not  overload  the  fuse,  regular  inspection,  use  Reduced  voltage

               • Sprinkle water to suppress dust, use appropriate masks.
               • Do not touch any part / body of the equipment after use. E.g the drill bit shall be hot.

               • Use  battery  operated  equipment  to  reduce  noise  and  vibration,  else  use  equipment  which
                  produces less noise and vibration. Use suitable PPE including Earmuffs. Job rotation to reduce

               • Ensure  that  the  power  tool  has  the  correct  guard,  shield,  or  other  attachment  that  the
                  manufacturer recommends.

               • Keep all people not involved with the work at a safe distance from the work area.

               • Reroute trailing cables to eliminate trip hazard.
               • Tools must be inspected regularly – visual inspection, Portable appliance test.

               In addition, precautions must be taken for fuel storage

               storage must be in separate place, well-ventilated, preferably in a metal container. The area must
               be  free  from  any  source  of  ignition,  provided  with  suitable  fire  alarms  systems  and  fire
               extinguishers in place. Spill kits and procedures in place to handle emergency.

                 ENSIGN |                                                   Unit IG2 – Element 9 – Work   8
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