Page 40 - IGC BOOK
P. 40

Reviewing Health and Safety Policy

               Health safety policy should be a functioning document, it needs to be reviewed regularly. There
               are several reasons that may insist you to review the health and safety policy.

               Situations that may insist you to review the policy.

                   •   Followed by accident/incident or ill health reported.
                   •   When new technology is introduced.
                   •   Followed by any change in the organizational structure. For example, change in the CEO
                       or Director.
                   •   When a new process or procedure is introduced or any change in the existing procedures.
                       For example, lifting process by manual handling is changed by lifting loads using a
                       mechanical load handling device, forklift.

                   •   Any significant change in the work premises
                   •   Any new legislation is introduced or any change in the existing legislation.
                   •   Followed by consultation with the workforce.
                   •   Followed by audit findings or risk assessments which recommend that policy is no longer
                   •   Enforcement action reveals weaknesses or especially requires a review.
                   •   As passage of time, policy must be reviewed every year to ensure that it remains valid.

                   •   communication   and   co-operation   at   the   levels   of   the   working   group   and   the
                       undertaking and at all other appropriate levels up to and including the national level; and
                   •   the protection of workers and their representatives from disciplinary measures because
                       of actions properly taken by them in conformity with the policy.

               The Significant Reasons for Policy to Become Ineffective are as Follows:

                   •   There is minimal leadership by directors and senior managers who fail to ‘drive’ the

                   •   There are no annual objectives set to implement the policy.

                   •   Health & safety is not given priority with other business objectives.
                   •   Resources are not provided to implement actions required.

                   •   The aims and intentions are not clearly understood by all employees.

                   •   The policy emphasis much on employee responsibilities and is not management led.

                   •   There is no measurement of whether objectives set are being achieved.

                   •   Management is unaware of the role in health and safety; and management receives no
                       training to implement actions required.

                 ENSIGN|          Unit IG1 – Element 2 – How Health and Safety Management systems Work and What They Look Like   11
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