Page 39 - IGC BOOK
P. 39

Arrangement Section

               Arrangements sections deals with specific systems and procedures which will assist to
               implement the health and safety policy. This section should clearly define how health and safety
               will be achieved in the organisation through the implementation, maintenance, monitoring and
               review of preventative and protective measures.
               Arrangement section encompasses the rules and procedures, it also gives detailed information
               on the practical arrangements for planning, organising, controlling, Monitoring (both active and
               reactive) and reviewing performance as and when required.

                General Arrangements

                   •   Planning includes policy development setting targets, arrangements for communicating
                       the policy within the organisation.
                   •   Allocating resources for health and safety in terms of budget.
                   •   Hazard identification, carrying out risk assessment.
                   •   Developing procedures for reporting near misses, accidents, investigations and taking
                       corrective actions.
                   •   Developing safe system of work and permit to control hazards in high-risk activities.
                   •   Worker consultation and communication.

                   •   Provision of training including procedures for carrying out specific jobs (hot works,
                       confined space, firefighting and first aiders).
                   •   Welfare facilities and housekeeping arrangements to clean the workplace.

                   •   Monitoring and inspection – arrangements to inspect equipment and tools and the
                       working methods.

                   •   Emergency procedures.
                   •   Provisions for compliance monitoring, carrying out third party audits to ensure the
                       systems are in line with the standards.

                   •   Provision of personal protective equipment.
                   •   Conducting health surveillance and maintaining records.
                   •   Arrangements for measuring the performance – monitoring the accident / incident, ill
                       health; inspections, safety survey, audits, committee meetings and periodic reviews.

               Specific Arrangements

                   •  Drug and Alcohol site rules and control measures.
                   •  Bullying and Violence at work – prohibition policy, reporting systems.

                   •  Arrangements for monitoring Lone working and emergency procedures for lone working.
                   •  Stress, Noise, vibration and radiation at work, exposure control and setting exposure

                   •  Manual handling arrangements and control by using mechanical devices.
                   •  Control of contractors through selection procedures.
                   •  Control of visitors by checking their credentials before accessing into the work area.
                   •  Fire arrangements including procedures for responding to an alarm.

                 ENSIGN|          Unit IG1 – Element 2 – How Health and Safety Management systems Work and What They Look Like   10
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