Page 4 - 2020 Annual report
P. 4
Sheriff Kevin J. Joyce
Dear Fellow Citizen,
The citizens of Cumberland County deserve the best in
public safety and corrections. The Cumberland County
Sheriff’s Office strives to provide the best in everything
we do. This annual report reflects the hard work and
dedication of every member of this Office.
On March 13, 2020, the Cumberland County Sheriff ’s
Office abruptly changed the way that we conducted
our day-to-day operations, while continuing to ensure
the highest level of public safety and jail operations
possible. Some of the changes included closing the
lobbies of the Cumberland County Jail and Law
Enforcement Center to the public. Additionally, we
closed down the Community Corrections Center so that
inmates going out into the public to work did not bring
COVID back to the jail from the community. We also
released inmates whose schedule release was within
two months and working on getting the bail conditions
lowered as a way to reduce our inmate population. This was done to ensure that if we had a COVID virus
outbreak in the jail, it would be limited to the least number of inmates who are living in a congregate facility
where social distancing is next to impossible.
Additionally, we encouraged our law enforcement and criminal investigators to utilize their discretion and their
personal protective gear while conducting the day-to-day responses to calls for service. Since there were no
alternatives to working with individuals who may or may not have had the COVID virus, we urged caution and
discretion. Lastly, early on in the pandemic, we received orders from the Governor not to enforce evictions and
due to most businesses and the courts shutting down, we saw a dramatic decrease in the number of civil papers
needing to be served by the Civil Division, especially throughout the summer.
With the diligence provided by all staff as well as our Inmate Medical Services provider, Armor, we
experienced approximately 50 cases of COVID between staff and inmates over the past 12 months. Fortunately,
most of the cases were asymptomatic individuals. We continue to operate under the recommended precautions
set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
In addition to COVID related issues, we assisted agencies with various protests, responded to numerous
overdose calls and other quality of life issues that were prevalent in 2020.
Given the challenges faced by everyone, our staff did a phenomenal job of providing the highest level of
service to the citizens of Cumberland County, while keeping everyone’s wellness and safety in mind while
doing so.
As Sheriff, I am proud of the hard work, professionalism, and reputation for excellence that the employees of
the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office have earned.
Thank you for your continued support of the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.