Page 8 - 2020 Annual report
P. 8
Honor Guard
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard
stands ready to honor those who gave their lives to
serving their communities. As well, the Honor Guard
are the Sheriff’s Office ambassadors for community
events and they preside over various ceremonial
events throughout the year. Due to COVID-19
many ceremonies & parades the Honor Guard usual
participate in were canceled or went virtual.
Honor Guard Events:
3 - Funerals/wakes
1 - Ceremonies
•Blue Mass CatholicDiocese
K-9 Calls
The Crash Reconstruction Unit answered 8 calls for The three K-9 teams received 114 calls
service in 2020, 3 involved personal injury, and 4 for service in 2020. The calls included
fatalities. tracking, drug searches in the vehicles,
jail, schools and various agency assists.
The reconstruction team consists of highly trained In March of 2020, the Cumberland
and dedicated members that specialize in the County Sheriff’s Office welcomed K-9
investigation of motor vehicle crashes. The training Murphy. His training was completed in
consists of learning the laws of physics, other October 2020.
sciences, and how they play part in motor vehicle
crashes. The Reconstruction Unit is called upon for
their expertise after serious crashes that result in K-9 Teams attended 600 hours of
amongst other things, serious bodily injury, death or training in 2020
substantial property damage.
The Sheriff’s Office has 2 certified UAS operators,
and 3 additional trained deputies awaiting
The Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) was flown
6 times in 2020, of which 4 times was for training.
Certified operators flew two additional times in
2020, one for an aerial view of a crash site, and one
for an aerial view of Horseshoe Cove in Harpswell
during an investigation.