Page 104 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 104

Frequently Asked Questions

            We want you to have a great yearbook experience. When you have questions, your Jostens team is here to help.

            WHAT DOES THE RED         WHY DOES                  HOW DO I APPLY            WHY CAN’T I SUBMIT
            X IN MY TEXT              MY ELEMENT                SEPIA TONE OR             MY PAGE?
            BOX MEAN?                 NOT MAINTAIN              BLACK & WHITE TO          You may have a text box
            Your text does not fit    PROPORTIONS WHEN          AN IMAGE?                 that hasn’t been edited,
            within the box. You need   CHANGING                 Select an image that has   text that doesn’t fit, or an
            to increase the size of your   THE SIZE?            been placed on a page     empty image box.  Go to
            text box or make the      Hold shift to constrain   and open the Snap Edit    the Preflight Panel to view
            text smaller.                                       tool from the contextual   page notifications, resolve
                                      proportion on an element.                           issues and complete/
                                                                toolbar. You may apply
            HOW DO I RE-USE                                     sepia and black & white   submit your page.
            A PAGE LAYOUT             HOW DO YOU                effects there.
            I’VE CREATED ON           CREATE, SAVE,                                       HOW DO I CONVERT
            MULTIPLE PAGES?           EDIT AND DELETE           CAN I USE THE             INDESIGN LAYOUTS
            Under the File menu,                                COLOR SWATCHES IN         FOR USE IN
            select Save as Template.   PRACTICE PAGES?          PHOTOSHOP?                LAYOUT PRO?
            You can save the left, right   You can create a practice   You can download     Open your INDD file in
            or both pages. To use     page by going to File     the color swatches for    Adobe InDesign and
            your saved template, go   > New Practice Page.      Photoshop located under   export your file as a PDF
            to the Designs tab, and   Once you have created     Photoshop Tips and Tricks.   (Export Settings [PDF]).
            under Custom choose My    a practice page, save the   This will allow you to   In Photoshop, convert
            Templates from the drop   page like you would any   match colors in           your PDF to a JPG using
            down list.                other page in the book.   Photoshop to the Jostens   maximum quality settings.
                                      The page will be saved    color palettes.           Upload the JPG to Layout
                                      under Custom in the                                 Pro. Drag the image to
            HOW DO I GET OLDER        Designs tab. To edit or
            VERSIONS OF               delete a practice page,   I SEE THE IMAGES          your page.
            MY PAGES?                 click on the small (i) icon   THAT I SAVED FROM
            Select the History tab to   on the bottom left of the   LAST YEAR IN THE
            see previous versions of   thumbnail.  You will have   IMAGE LIBRARY, BUT
            your page. Drag and drop   the option to edit       HOW DO I GET THEM
            any previous version onto   or delete.              TO SHOW UP IN THE
            your current page.
                                                                LAYOUT PRO?
                                      HOW DO I UPLOAD           They must be moved out
            CAN I FLOW TEXT           IMAGES FROM               of the previous year’s
            FROM ONE TEXT BOX         WITHIN                    folder into a current image
            TO ANOTHER?               LAYOUT PRO?               folder in the image library.
            Yes. Click the small blue     From the Images tab,
            box with an arrow inside   either drag and drop     WHAT’S THE
            in the first text box. Drag   images directly into the   DIFFERENCE
            the line that appears to   tab or click Upload to
            the text box you’d like   choose photos from your   BETWEEN TINT AND
            to flow into. Unlink text   device. Images will be   TRANSPARENCY?
            boxes by clicking the blue   uploaded to the active   Tint is the brightness or
            box that the linking arrow   folder in the Images tab.  darkness of an object.
            points to and select a new                          Transparency allows you
            text box to flow into.                              to see through the object
                                                                as you make it lighter.

           ©2016 Jostens, Inc. 160444
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