Page 103 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 103

Digital Classroom

                                                                                       When you know exactly what
                                                                                       you want or are interested in a
                                                                                       specific topic, the search function is

                                                                                       Though many yearbook tasks
                                                                                       overlap and some need to be
                                                                                       done in every season, there is
                                                                                       a basic timeline that should be
                                                                                       followed. Yearbook Sales should
                                                                                       be conducted in the fall. Creation
                                                                                       happens in the winter. Creation
                                                                                       and planning for next year
                                                                                       happens in the spring. Summer is
                                                                                       time for planning. Use the digital
                                                                                       classroom’s seasonal organization
                                                                                       to help you know what to do and
                                                                                       when to do it.

                                                                                       TASKS BY CATEGORY
                                                                                       Making a yearbook is an
                                                                                       interdisciplinary endeavor.
                                                                                       Whether you are planning, selling,
                                                                                       creating or celebrating, find all the
                                                                                       resources you need in
                                                                                       this section.

                                                                                       Whether you are selling the
                                                                                       yearbook or advertising to support
                                                                                       it, we’ve got the programs, tools
                                                                                       and ideas to help you succeed.
                                                                                       Generate demand, create
                                                                                       excitement and build anticipation
                                                                                       — all keys to a successful

               BASICS OF                STORY STARTERS           VIDEOS                   CONTESTS AND
               YEARBOOK                 A dynamic yearbook tells   Learn more about the   AWARDS
               The resources found here   relevant and interesting   journalism skills you’ll   This section showcases the
               include articles, lesson   stories. Use these helpful   need to create a great   outstanding advisers and
               plans and quizzes that are   Story Starter sheets for   yearbook and how to best   staff members who earn
               most useful for beginning   interview questions,   use Jostens creation tools.   recognition both locally
               yearbookers.             survey questions, photo   Our library of educational   and nationally from Jostens
                                        possibilities and module   videos explains it all in an   and scholastic press
                                        ideas on a wide array of   easy-to-learn, step-by-step   organizations. You’ll also
                                        yearbook topics.         format.                  find information for future
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