Page 102 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 102

            Digital Classroom

            The digital classroom on Yearbook Avenue makes it easy for you to find all the resources you need for creating an
            educational and inspirational experience for your students. From videos to handouts, from lesson plans to digital reference
            guides, here is a directory of the yearbook resources — just a few clicks away.

                 START RIGHT               7-MINUTE STARTERS
                 For use in the spring or   The 7-Minute Starters
                 the beginning of the new   make it possible to begin
                 term, the Start Right:    each class period with a
                 7-Week Success Units      quick lesson. Whether you
                 are class-length lessons   want to improve writing,
                 that help advisers build a   design, photography or
                 strong base of knowledge   student leadership and
                 and resources. By the     team building, this is the
                 end of the Start Right    place to start. With over
                 units, students will not   180 lessons to choose
                 only have knowledge on a   from, you can get every
                 range of journalism topics,   day started off on the
                 but will have completed   right foot.
                 spreads on the computer,
                 will have a collection of
                 photos for use on pages
                 and will have folders of
                 inspirational content
                 for reference.

        102     YBA Reference Guide
   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106