Page 31 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 31

            Page Ladder - Submitting Pages

            Before submitting a page, do a complete review and carefully check for misspellings and incorrect photo placement.
            Correct any errors you find and proof the PDF. Once a page has been submitted, it cannot be changed.

            •  When a page is in progress, the Complete button
             is available.
            •  Page Status turns green after clicking the Complete button.
            •  Select Complete button after you have edited all photo and
             text boxes on your page.
                                                                              Appears after a page is marked
                                                                              Complete (Adviser login only).

                                                                              Before you can submit a page, you will
                                                                              need to view the Proof PDF for final
                                                                              •  Click on the printer icon to generate
                                                                               the Proof PDF.
                                                                              •  Once viewed, you will be able to click
                                                                               the Submit button.
                                                                              •  Page status color will change to black
                                                                               and the page will no longer be able to
                                                                               be edited.

                                                                              •  Appears after a page is marked
                                                                              •  Only available to the Adviser login.

                                                                              If a page still needs modifications:
                                                                              •  Select the page and make changes.
                                                                              •  Select Return which requires the page
                PAGE STATUS                                                    to be set to Complete again when
                •  Color-coded to indicate status.                             finished with your edits.
                  Not Started  Completed
                  In Progress  Submitted

            THOROUGHLY REVIEW YOUR PAGE before                  ONCE YOU SUBMIT A PAGE you will no longer be
            clicking on the Submit button. Submitted pages cannot    able to make changes to it. Changes requested after
            be changed.                                         submission can result in extra charges. Contact your plant
                                                                consultant for assistance.
            Submitted pages cannot be changed; however, you may
            copy and paste from a submitted page onto a new page.

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