Page 35 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 35

            Upload Photos to Image Library

            Categorize your photos into groups that make sense to you. This will make it easier to find your photos on your website
            when you start creating your book.

            STEP 1
            Start by collecting
            and organizing your                                                       UPLOAD PHOTOS

            STEP 2
            Set up a folder
            structure using the
            folder toolbar.

            STEP 3
            Click into a folder and
            upload photos that
            belong there.                                                                       ADD FILES
                                                                                                Locate and select
                                                                                                the images you
            STEP 4
            Tag, arrange, and add                                                               would like to
            details to your photos.                                                             upload from your

                 DESTINATION CATEGORY                                                     PROGRESS WINDOW
                 Shows what folder images will                                            View the status of each photo as
                 upload to.                                                               it uploads

            •  .JPG, .TIF and .PNG files only                    •  Category and File names should be a maximum of 20
            •  High resolution files recommended. If you are scanning   characters long.
             photos, use 400–500 dpi.                            •  Use only English alphabet letters and numbers.
            •  If you are using a digital camera, set it to the highest   •  Do NOT use any special characters or punctuation
             resolution setting.                                  marks in the file names.
            •  Maximum file size is 50 MB.                       •  Do not use any spaces at the beginning or end of
            •  Maximum image size is 10,000 pixels x 10,000 pixels.  names.
            •  RGB file format only (no CMYK).                   •  Do not use the same name on more than one category
            •  Do not alter the resolution of your image in a photo   or more than one image.
             editing software program. Doing this may allow you to   •  Make sure they all have unique names (for example:
             place an image in a larger photo box, but it may also   BBall1.jpg, BBall2.jpg).
             result in a poor quality print.

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