Page 41 - YBA & Layout Pro_2021 Guide
P. 41


            Place images, text boxes and clip art onto your pasteboard. Your pasteboard is the white space around each page in the
            Layout Pro.

            PAGE GRID             PAGE MARGIN           BLEED                 ZOOM IN OR OUT
            Half-pica squares     All important elements   All elements that bleed   •  Use the drop-down to view your entire
            arranged into a       should stay within    off the page need to    pasteboard or zoom in on your page.
            three-pica column grid   these margins (light   extend at least one pica   •  Use Ctrl/Cmd + or Ctrl/Cmd - to quickly
            to help align elements   purple) for proper   from this red trim line.  zoom in or out.
            on the page.          visibility when printing.

            PASTEBOARD                 NOTIFICATION PANEL                HIDE/SHOW          HIDE/SHOW GRID
            Space outside the page     Contains the new Comment and      PASTEBOARD         Turn on/off the grid.
            canvas that can be used    Preflight Panels. The Comment Panel   Turn on/off the
            to arrange elements,       lets you view, add, reply to and resolve   pasteboard.
            experiment with layouts, and   page comments within Layout Pro.
            store elements that aren’t   The Preflight Panel lets you proof,
            ready to be on the page yet.  complete and submit your pages
                                       within Layout Pro.

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