Page 119 - Yokota HS_2022 YBK
P. 119

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                                   Leilani Hanus
                                   Biography: Yearbook - 12
                                   Quote: My teacher said I didn't have brains so I got me some.
                                   Memory: Being able to travel with the wrestling team.

                                                                                Kai Harbert
               Biography: Football - 9-12; Wrestling - 9-12; Track - 9-12; SGA - 11-12; NHS - 12;
                                                              JNHS - 11-12; Newspaper Club - 12
                                       Quote: "From this day forward, I move with a new ferocity
                                          Ferrari coupe velocity, a fail-proof philosophy" - J. Cole"
                                                                     Memory: Spring break 2022
                                                       Special: Off to wrestle alligators in Florida

                                   Kai Howell                                                                                      Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                   Biography: Soccer - 10, 12
                                   Quote: Isshinfuran
                                   Memory: Senior year homecoming dance
                                   Special: Going to Texas Tech University

     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  Biography: Drama Class/ Club 10-11,  Yearbook 11-12, Asian Pacific Club 12.                          TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE

                                                      Alteah Arvianne Calinap Isidro

                                      Quote: The smallest kind interaction and I start to fall in love
         Memory: I don't have a favorite memory. I'm indecisive; every happy memory I make with
                                                    the people I care about is my favorite memory.
                                                                   Special: I'M FINE! SMILE :)

                                   Alexius Jackson

                                   Biography: Boy Scouts of America - 9-10;  Yearbook - 11;  Rock Band - 10-12.
                                   Quote: "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
                                   peace." - Jimi Hendrix
                                   Memory: Having the opportunity to perform music live, in front of an audience, with a
                                   rock band.
                                   Special: Headed to Brigham Young University-Idaho for a degree in Chemistry Education.

                                                                                                        Seniors      117

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