Page 124 - Yokota HS_2022 YBK
P. 124

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                                                                       Kamolchanok Suriyo
                                                              Biography: Tennis - 10; Yearbook - 12
                                         Quote: "The feminine urge to give up on my dreams and die"
                                                                        Memory: Chilling with Kiki.
                                     Special: Hayfield Secondary School ( freshman and sophomore )

                                    Owen Taylor
                                    Biography: Varsity Soccer - 10-12; Varsity Wrestling - 10-12; Varsity Football - 12; Cross
                                    Country - 10; Newspaper Club - 11-12; NHS; SGA
                                    Quote: "Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom
                                    of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                                    even." - Muhammed Ali
                                    Memory: Winning Far East for wrestling in Korea.
                                       Special: I will be attending UC San Diego next year, as a communications major.

                                                                              Majhia' Thomas
                                                                                       Biography: e
                                                                            Quote: "I forgot my …."
              Memory: Going on a trip with the baseball team as a manager, being apart of a team was
                                                                                             fun too.
                                                                        Special: Gap year for the win

     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE          Sean Tokiyoshi-Gray                                                                          TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE

                                    Biography: Tennis - 9; Soccer - 9,10,12
                                    Quote:  "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" -Thomas Edison
                                    Memory: Getting to spend time with my friends.
                                    Special: TTU '26

                                                                            Angelique Tucker
                                                           Biography: Swimming - 9-12; Dance - 10
                                            Quote: Thank you, Chewie (aka my emotional support :) )
           Memory: For each high school I have attended, I was able to have a great time thanks to the
                                                                                 great friends I had .

             122    Seniors

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