Page 122 - Yokota HS_2022 YBK
P. 122

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                                                                          Dominic Northcutt
                                             Biography: NHS - 10, 12; Analog Gaming Club - 10,12;
                                             Quote: "Aaaawubadagh wort wort wort" - Halo CE Elite
                           Memory: That time we moshed to Fallen Kingdom at the Valentine's Dance
            Special: So his name is Master Chief John 117 and he's part of the UNSC Spartan-II project
                   and they gave him a lady to put in his head and they were originally meant to combat
                                                    insurrectionists but then the Covenant came in and

                                    Ryo Patton
                                    Biography: Football - 9; Soccer - 9-12
                                    Quote: "Don't call me selfish, I hate sharing" - Tyler the Creator
                                    Memory: Taking the PSAT
                                    Special: Going to TTU 26'
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.

                                                                                  Tanaya Pugh
                                                                  Biography: Baseball Manager - 12
                                                                          Quote: I love my Airpods.
                                                              Memory: Having lunch in Chef's room.
                                    Special: Gap year and working on becoming a speech pathologist .

     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE          Robert Raulerson                                                                             TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE

                                    Biography: JROTC - 10-12; Wrestling - 12; Marksmanship - 11
                                    Quote: "run in front of car, you get tired, run behind a car, you get exhausted" - Confucius
                                    Memory: Hearing Palmer talk about Michael Chery's mess ups in class
                                    Special: Going to UCCS and enrolling in ROTC. Hopefully can major in Mechanical
                                    Engineering and become a pilot in the Air Force.

                                                                                 Nicholas Sales
                    Biography: Football - 10-12; Wrestling - 10-12; Track and Field - 10-12; Golf - 11
                                                          Quote: "The perfect blossom is a rare thing.
              You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.-Katsumoto"
                    Memory: Meeting my bestfriend/ brother Tyler Bratten, and meeting my girlfriend.
              Special: I used to attend Randolph High School, and I'm heading to the military(Airforce)

             120    Seniors

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