Page 123 - Jostens Yearbook_Adviser Guide
P. 123


                                                                                   While it may be tempting to skip
                                                                                   instruction on how to import and
 5.5  IMAGE STORAGE   We say “YOSO” in yearbook: You Only Shoot Once,              upload photographs, it should really
                      because most events are one-time opportunities. Even
                                                                                   be a whole-class lesson, especially
                      student portraits used for sidebar content or to accompany   at the beginning of the year when
                      quotes should only be shot once. Yearbook staff is never     habits are being established.
                      going to earn the trust of administration and faculty if they
 There are three major crimes in yearbook photography.   come to take the same student’s photo five times.   Consider taking an entire class
                                                                                   period or meeting to have each
                      Maintaining a system for organizing work is the only way     student run through the process,
 1.  Losing or damaging equipment. While this is extremely   to prevent photos from being lost. All students on staff,    including the rating and reviewing
 disappointing, having students and families sign an   not just photographers, need to understand the system.   process explained in section 5.6,
                                                                                   if time allows. It will impress upon
 equipment check out contract typically addresses that.   Students should get into the habit of editing the images   students just how important it is
                      as soon as possible after uploading them to the computer.    to get images off cards and onto
 2.  Being a no-show when signed up to cover an event.   It is recommended to have a minimum of one external   computers and back-up drives to
                      hard drive to house all images that were taken for a given
 Assignments were created to be filled. A no-show equals   year. Depending on the yearbook lab’s limitations, external   avoid lost and redundant work.

 no coverage. This adds stress to the team and upsets the   drives can usually be set up to allow access from other
                      workstations. Simply put, the first task for a student who
 process of building trust.   has taken photos of an event is to remove the SD/CF cards
                      with images and upload those images to their computer,
 3.  The most frustrating: losing photos. There is nothing   then copy them to the external drive, ensuring that those

 worse than doing the work but having nothing to show    images do not get lost.
 for it.              Images should be filed electronically. Some schools
                      like a chronological structure, where all photos taken from
                      a particular week or month get placed together. Others like
                      subject-related organization. Regardless, images that are
                      uploaded and saved should always be re-named to include
                      the date, photographer name and event. This allows images
                      to be searchable for designers looking to build their page. It
 Maintaining a system for organizing work is   also aids in caption writing and crediting later on.

 the only way to prevent photos from being lost.

 All students need to understand the system.

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