Page 65 - Jostens Yearbook_Adviser Guide
P. 65


 The Yearbook Avenue Digital
 Classroom has hundreds of   At this point, the staff should look at a variety of graphic    GOOD: Start with the basics: brainstorming. The focus here should be on quantity, not quality. This can be done
 resources ready for you to use. We   and typographic techniques that can help unify the   as a whole class, or individual response where students are expected to contribute a specific number of ideas.
 recommend the following lesson   theme presentation.  As students come up with ideas, advisers will likely notice that many fall into different categories:
 plans as being especially helpful     ■  Logo: Creatively set your slogan in type for style
 for theme development. Scroll to    and emphasis.    ■  Number-related (year, volume)
 the bottom of the homepage to find     ■    ■  The community (school spirit/school identity)
 them, or search for Start Right.  Colors: Introduce and repeat colors throughout for a
 sense of continuity.      ■  The individual (personal identity)
   ■  Graphics: Use lines, tints, screens and textures for     ■  Art (something visual driving the idea)
 7  ST AR T RIGHT 1.5 — TEAM BUILDING  emphasis and organization.    ■  Storytelling (perspective, personal narrative)

   MINUTE     Goal Tending    ■  Typography: Use selected fonts only to enhance the      ■  Time (a specific moment or event)
 theme and create continuity.
 STEP 1   | LEARN (5 MINUTES)  In this lesson, students think critically about how their staff   Take the ideas and group them into categories like those above, assigning individual teams to work on a specific
 structure echoes real-world corporate structure. They also
 Students will view Start Right Presentation 1.5 - Staff Structure     ■
 to understand how their staff structure echoes the real-world    collaborate to critique last year’s book and make goals for   Artwork: Incorporate or adapt cover art to unify
 of business.         category instead of concepts.
 Students will be divided into small groups based on the Interest
 Survey they completed for Start Right 1.3 and your staff   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.1, CCRA.L.1
 structure.   Demonstrate command of grammar and usage when
 Using Start Right Activity 1.5 - Book Critique, students will work   speaking or writing.    ■
 in small groups to evaluate last year’s yearbook and develop   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.2, CCRA.L.2    Photos: Incorporate specific photo styles to give the
 goals for this year’s yearbook.   Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation
 and spelling.
 Note: These should be goals to improve the book, not goals   ELA-Literacy.SL.9-12.1, CCRA.SL.1
 aimed at improving the staff or individuals.   Participate effectively in a range of collaborative   theme a unique look.
 If you do not have extra copies of last year’s book, use a   discussions.
 previous book or a book from another school.  ELA-Literacy.SL.9-12.4, CCRA.SL.4
 Present information, findings and supporting evidence.
 STEP 3   |   USE (10 MINUTES)   ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.4, CCRA.W.4     ■  Specialty Techniques: Use fold-outs or die-cuts to
 Students will create goals for themselves and for the staff using   Produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriately   THEME BRAINSTORM
 Start Right Activity 1.5 - Goal Tending. This exercise may serve   organized.
 as an exit ticket assessment.   ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.7, CCRA.W.7
 To do: Editor or adviser should create a Page Ladder (1-5 hrs).  Conduct short research projects to answer a question.  dazzle readers, if they reinforce the theme.
   » Reference last year’s yearbook. Page topics usually   ISTE STANDARDS
 stay the same from year to year.
   » Yearbook Avenue has the ability to flow last year’s   ISTE  1A:  Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas.
 ladder onto this year’s ladder, but you should still   1C:  Use models and simulations to explore complex     Choose one of the following six theme categories to explore. Repeat until you’ve completed four different categories.
 expect to spend some time refining it.  systems.
   » Create a paper ladder to hang on the wall AND   4A:  Identify authentic problems and questions
 complete the ladder online on Yearbook Avenue.  for investigation.    TIMING  •  Number-related (year, volume)   •  Art (something visual driving the idea)
   » Deadlines are easiest to meet if topics are covered   4D:  Use multiple processes to explore alternative      •  The community (school spirit/school identity)   •  Storytelling (perspective, personal narrative)
 chronologically, which may require rearranging pages
 from what has been done in the past.  solutions.    •  The individual (personal identity)   •  Time (a specific moment or event)
   » Use the colored sticky notes included in your
 yearbook kit to organize content on your ladder.         Category _________________________________________      Visuals/ideas/interpretations

 Each deadline should be assigned a different colored   The theme brainstorming process is extensive. Many
 sticky note.
   » Pages to not need to be submitted in numerical order,     30-50 words that immediately come to mind
 but facing pages, or double page spreads, should be
 submitted in the same deadline.  yearbook staffs do the majority of their theme development
   » Reference school activities calendar, page deadlines
 (viewable on the Yearbook Avenue homepage no later
 than mid-August) and last year’s yearbook as you
 create your ladder. Page topics usually stay the same   in the spring, after production is complete. This allows
 from year to year.
 Do you have an idea for a 7-Minute Starter? Email us at  an experienced staff to hone ideas and leave behind a
 14-0615                                                           The kernel (your central idea)
 legacy for the next year’s staff. Imagine starting the school
 year with your theme package already planned. That frees
 7  ST AR T RIGHT 3.2 — THEME  up more time in the first few weeks of school to focus      Phrases (longer, more developed than words alone) that relate to your idea

   MINUTE     Verbal Spin-offs  on teaching necessary photo, writing and design skills
 instead of the time consuming process of planning your
 STEP 1   |   REVIEW & PRACTICE     In this lesson, students learn more about visual and   yearbook’s direction.       Category _________________________________________      Visuals/ideas/interpretations
 (20 MINUTES)  verbal theme spin-offs, which are used by advertising
 and marketing professionals in the business world. Their
 Students will develop their knowledge of theme by analyzing   creativity and collaboration will yield a more authentic     30-50 words that immediately come to mind
 spreads from several different yearbooks.  learning experience.
   »  Students should receive Start Right Handout 3.2 -   Staffs that participate in summer workshops or camps
 Theme Matching to use while viewing Start Right   COMMON CORE
 Presentation 3.2 - Theme Matching.  STATE STANDARDS
   »  Students will identify the spreads from the presentation
 that correspond with the correct cover shown on   may choose to develop their theme in that setting.
 the handout.  ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.1, CCRA.L.1
 Demonstrate command of grammar and usage when
 Note: Answer key is at end of presentation and should be used   speaking or writing.
 as a discussion starter on theme.  ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.2, CCRA.L.2   Consider a field trip if time and budget allow. A one-day
 Demonstrate command of capitalization, punctuation
 STEP 2   | LEARN (10 MINUTES)  and spelling.                      The kernel (your central idea)
 Students will learn about and take notes on direct and indirect   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.3, CCRA.L.3
 verbal theme spin-offs as they view Start Right Presentation 3.2   Make effective language choices for meaning or style.  retreat with attention focused on theme development can
 - Verbal Spin-offs.   ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.5, CCRA.L.5
 Note: Before presentation, adviser should view speaker notes   Demonstrate understanding of figurative language and
 word relationships.
 below each slide.  be an enjoyable way to plan and celebrate as a team.
 ELA-Literacy.L.9-12.6, CCRA.L.6
 Acquire and use domain-specific words.
 STEP 3   |   PRACTICE & USE     ELA-Literacy.SL.9-12.1, CCRA.SL.1      Phrases (longer, more developed than words alone) that relate to your idea
 (15 MINUTES)   Participate effectively in a range of collaborative
 Students will learn how to develop verbal theme spin-offs   discussions.
 as they complete Start Right Activity 3.2 - Spinning Off in all   ELA-Literacy.SL.9-12.1b
 Directions. They can use Start Right Handout 3.2 - Good to Go   Work with peers to promote civil, democratic discussions.
 Themes as a brainstorming tool for their theme or select one of   ELA-Literacy.SL.9-12.1d
 the themes to use.  Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives.
 Note: This activity would be appropriate to use as an exit ticket.  ELA-Literacy.W.9-12.4, CCRA.W.5
 Plan, revise, edit, rewrite or try a new approach.
 A class Pinterest account should be set up for staff to use to
 gather visual inspiration.  ISTE  2B:  Communicate ideas effectively using a
 variety of media.  The best themes are created in the
 2D:  Contribute to project teams to produce
 original works.                                           © 2018 by Jostens, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 spring by an experienced staff.
 Do you have an idea for a 7-Minute Starter? Email us at
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