Page 60 - Humphreys HS_2023 YBK
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                                SINK OR


                 The Humphreys Swim team is a difficult
            sport to master, and is equally intense as it is
                    taxing. This year, the Swim team has
                completely rebranded, and this is just the
                                     start of their legacy.
   Customer is allowed to have objects outside of the margin.
                    While last school year HHS Swim was
                simply referred to as a club, this year, the
                     Humphreys Swim team has officially
                      become recognized as it's own fully
                   operational sport. With the start of this
                   new era for Blackhawk swimmers, the
               Swim team performed extraordinarily, with
                 record times for each swimmer. Despite
                the typical challenges any new sport may
                   have, such as the struggle to find their                                                 STAYING AFLOAT //
                                                                                                  Morgan Isabella, 10, comes up for a breath
               footing, the Swim team didn't hold back in                                           of air, getting ready to go back under the
                  their efforts to achieve all of their goals!
     TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE  overall, how to be a successful Blackhawk                                                            TRIM LINE   TRIM LINE
                          They adapted especially fast to
                Humphreys' code of ethics, between their
                  skill, communication, humbleness, and


                      "BUTTERFLY WAS                           TOP: Ethan McClintic, 10, goes back into the
                                                                     water after coming up to gauge the
            MISERABLE, BUT I SURVIVED."                                            competition.
                                                                 RIGHT: Alex Moreno, 12, pushes himself
                         - JOEL KWAK, 9                        harder, determined to be the first to the finish

                     OCEANS DEEP //
               1. Kate Wahlgren, 12, gets ready to dive in the water and
                                       start the meet.
                 2. Aram Park, 11, dives off into the pool ready to win.
                  3. Aram Park, 11, and Hope Dorrough, 11, dive off
                         together rushing to the end of the pool.
               4. Isabelle Morgan, 10, gets a breathe of air as she races
              to the end.   Swimmers have notoriously strong lungs and
                 can generally remain underwater for longer periods of


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